Minutes May 2023

IN ATTENDANCE: CLLR T HARVEY (Stratford District Council (SDC)), IAN WILSON (CLERK) and four members of the public.  
1 Apologies 
Apologies were received from CLLR I SECCOMBE (Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and CLLR R WEBB these were accepted.
2 Declerations of Interest and Request for Dispensation
CLLR MACPHERSON declared an interest in the grant application from Tredington and Blackwell WI.
3 Acceptance of Minutes from Previous Meeting
The minutes from OGM in April 2023 were agreed and accepted.
4 Matters Arising from Previous Minutes
Traffic Calming – Further details to be sought from residents and WCC as to what is being proposed and potential cost for moving 30mph zone in Tredington.
CSW – CLLR THORNTON-TRINDER reported that training for volunteers had been arranged for 15th June 2023. WCC had been informed that the neon speed sign in Tredington wasn’t working.
Newbold Open Space – Lioncourt has produced for an updated map of the area to be transferred. The parish council is producing a draft agreement and legal letter for the transfer.
Dog Waste Bins – One of the Newbold bins still needed replacing by SDC and it was also suggested that the one currently in Moss Lane would be better by the pub. Clerk to contact SDC to progress.
2022/23 Audit and Final Accounts – Confirmed that the balances agreed at April 2023 AGM were the balances included in the final accounts to be presented for internal and external audit. Internal Audit to be carried out during May and June and returns to be submitted for external audit at the end of June 2023
5 Public Participation
A Newbold resident reported that funds had been raised towards the go fund me appeal for the air ambulance by the village hall committee. Also noted that the recent storm had resulted in some remedial repairs being required at the village hall in Newbold, grant funding from the parish council to carry out may be required. 
6 Election of Chair and Vice-Chair 2023/24
Unanimously elected CLLR ASTON as Chair and CLLR MURPHY as Vice Chair for 2023/24. Agreed that CLLR MURPHY would lead on planning, CLLR THORNTON-TRINDER on traffic calming and CLLR DUNN on communications. CLLRs would continue to lead on issues in their local areas, with CLLRs MACPHERSON and DUNN responsible for Tredington. Agreed that all Newbold ward councillors would receive Newbold planning and similarly all Tredington ward councillors for Tredington.
7 Chairman's report and other reports
Chairman/Newbold:  CLLR ASTON reported that the parish council had donated to the go fund me appeal for the air ambulance. The clerk would reimburse CLLR MURPHY accordingly.
Clerk: Permission was granted for Rotary to use the village green for the Tour d’Ilmington as in previous years and it was suggested that Rotary plant cvrocuses in the beds by the war memorial. The clerk would confirm the current guardian for Darlingscott defibrillator. The rest of the clerk’s items were covered under matters arising and correspondence. 
Armscote: CLLR THORNTON-TRINDER reported drains being blocked in the hamlet following the flash flooding and that parking outside of the pub was again proving problematic. The Chair thanked CLLR THORNTON-TRINDER for her work compiling a list of key contacts for parish councillors.
Blackwell: CLLR MURPHY reported the ‘ever growing’ list of potholes and kerbside drop offs which required repair and maintenance by WCC. Noted that the tarmac path on Ilmington Road had been poorly maintained on repair by WCC and was dangerous in poor weather.
Darlingscott: CLLR NEWBERY reported that recent highways repairs were temporary and needed redoing very soon after. The meeting discussed a more strategic approach to maintenance by WCC, to be raised with CLLR SECCOMBE.
Tredington: The clerk is arranging the playground inspection. CLLR MACPHERSON introduced a grant application from Tredington and Blackwell WI (previously circulated). Noted that the hall built in 1952 no longer complied with access requirements and the ramp at the side of the hall isn’t accessible for wheelchair users. The WI have architect plans to improve the steps to comply with access requirements and extend the ramp, so it is fully accessible. Noted that the WI have reserves of £5,000 and have applied to SDC for funding for the difference between reserves and the quoted cost of the work (£4000). The parish council agreed to commit £2000 to the project to cover any shortfall in funding.
Neighbourhood Planning Group (TNPG): Referendum arranged for 22nd June 2023, with SDC funding polling stations and all electorate receiving poll cards as for normal elections. TNPG asked for funding to advertise the poll in the parish newsletters and the meeting agreed to contribute £50 towards each advertisement. The meeting discussed further advertising and it was agreed that the clerk would look at advertising om the wooden board at Newbold Village Hall.
8 Reports from Ward Representatives of Warwickshire County Council and Stratford District Council.
CLLR SECCOMBE (WCC) had sent apologies. She was attending the parish meeting at Whinstone, who only held the annual meeting.
The parish council congratulated CLLR HARVEY (SDC) on his re-election. He reported that SDC now had a Lib Dem administration (with 25 district councillors). Turnout at the district elections had ranged from 28% to 49%, with an average of 42%, an increase on the previous election in 2019. Noted turnout in Tredington was 45%. Noted that voter ID had not proved a major issue in SDC, data showed that of 32 electors turning up to vote without ID 20 returned to vote.
9 Planning
The following were received:
Consultation Expiry Date
22/05/2023 4 Potters Lane Darlingscott Shipston-on-Stour CV36 4PH Single Storey Front and Rear Extensions and Alterations
09/05/2023 Land North East Of The Exchange Mill Lane Newbold-on-Stour Outline application with all matters reserved except for access, for a phased residential development comprising 5 self-build/custom build dwellings, formation of vehicle access from Mill Lane, off-site highway works, and all associated works
The meeting noted the following decisions received since our last meeting:
Decision Date
Delegated or Committee
05/04/2023 Tree Works Approved Sundial House Potters Lane Darlingscott Tredington Warwickshire CV36 4PH -G1, mainly hawthorn - Reduce to a final height of approximayely 1.5metres (lapsed hedge). Delegated
03/04/2023 Existing Lawful Development - Permitted Blackwell Business Centre Darlingscote Road Blackwell Tredington Warwickshire CV36 4PE Use of units 2, 4, 12, 14, 31 and 32 for storage purposes (mostly self storage), as identified on submitted drawing 9761-B-101 Location Plan 2 Delegated
23/00863/FUL Permission With Conditions 48 Middlefield Lane Newbold-on-Stour Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8TX Two storey side extension to form additional living accommodation. Delegated
Responses had been or would be submitted to SDC planning for all these applications (full details          https://apps.stratford.gov.uk/EPlanning/Default.aspx 
10 Financial Administration
a. AGREED to approve updated bank reconciliation for April 2023
b. AGREED to approve the passing of accounts for payment, as per Appendix A, 
c. NOTED the balances in the PC accounts and annual returns, as per Appendix A 
11 Correspondence
NALC – Newsletters
David Dalby, SDC – Election Results & Candidate Spending Return (Circulated Separately)
WCC – Communities and Partnerships Newsletters
WCC – Warwickshire Weekly News
Tredington Playground – Various
WALC News – Weekly Roundup
Information Commissioner’s Office – Data Protection Renewal
Midlands Air Ambulance – Donation
SDC – Precept Payment Advice
WCC, Highways – Newbold Traffic Bollard
23/00567/FUL, The Barn Mill Lane – Various
12 Date of next meeting
The next meeting would take place at 7:30 pm on Monday 5th  June 2023 at Newbold Village Hall. 

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