Minutes July 2023



IN ATTENDANCE: CLLR T HARVEY (Stratford District Council (SDC)), IAN WILSON (CLERK) and four members of the public. 

  1. Apologies

Apologies were received from CLLR D GATEHOUSE and CLLR I SECCOMBE (Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and these were accepted.


  1. Declarations of Interest and Request for Dispensation


There were no declarations of interest.


  1. Acceptance of Minutes from Previous Meeting


          The minutes from the OGM in June 2023 were agreed and accepted.


  1. Rural Broadband


The meeting received a presentation from a representative of Openreach, who are aiming to upgrade to connect fibre direct to 25 million properties across the UK by 2026. Government grant funding is being provided to do this in rural areas identified, these include Newbold, Armscote, Blackwell and Tredington. However, this is dependent upon targets being reached for householders to pledge upgrading when the service is available. There are three months to provide sufficient pledges which can be made via the Openreach website.


The meeting discussed potential liability for the parish council in promoting this. It was explained that the council was merely being asked to raise awareness of the infrastructure being offered by Openreach.


  1. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes

Traffic Calming – Training for volunteers has now taken place. There are two new volunteers in Armscote. The meeting discussed the extension of the 30mph signage in Tredington. It was clear that WCC would not fund this, as it isn’t seen as a priority. The parish council recognised the safety issue but didn’t feel that it could justify the funding that would be required to do this.

Newbold Open Space – Lioncourt are fully aware of the Parish Council requirements and will draw up the agreements and maps accordingly.

Tredington Playground – The inspection is now complete, there are some immediate safety requirements which the clerk will seek to address. Further improvements will require additional funding and it was agreed that a working group would be established with the village and community groups, such as the school PTA, to agree a way forward. CLLRs MACPHERSON, DUNN and the clerk would put together a bid to SDC for CIL funding.

Rotary Crocuses (Newbold Village Green) – The council agreed to a proposal from the local Rotary group to plant around 4000 crocuses on the village green, these would be accompanied by a commemorative plaque

  1. Public Participation


St David’s Church in Newbiold is now in a position to go ahead with the community project previously discussed, for which the council has pledged £2000. The contribution will be required before the end of 2023.


Correspondence on-going with Orbit homes to arrange tree maintenance.


Residents in Newbold have submitted photos to support their objection to the Heron’s Way planning application offset, these show the original nature of the land which was to be a nature reserve as part of the development condition.


  1. Chairman's report and other reports


  • Chairman:  CLLR ASTON had nothing further to report


  • Clerk: The clerk’s items were covered elsewhere on the agenda


  • Armscote: CLLR THORNTON-TRINDER asked about efforts to fill the casual vacancies. It was agreed that this was something that existing councillors could do through social media and their networks


  • Blackwell: CLLR MURPHY enquired as to the status of the new notice boards. It was agreed that the clerk would arrange a transfer to cover production as the previous cheque had not been received by the company. The meeting noted the continuing on-going issues with pot holes and hedge maintenance in the village


  • Darlingscott: CLLR NEWBERY again reported on-going WCC highways issues.


  • Newbold: Noted that two allotments would become available in August and that there was further maintenance required by Orbit to cut back brambles in Middlefield Lane.


  • Tredington: Noted that a tree had been cut down on the corner of Blackwell Road and Fosseway Crescent, the parish would look to see whether ant action should be taken. CLLR DUNN proposed that the parish council should stop cutting the village green until ownership issues were resolved. The meeting unanimously agreed to this. Noted communication from residents regarding grass cutting in Tredington and agreed to remind residents which areas were the parish council responsibility and which were WCC/SDC. The meeting discussed no mow May and agreed to support this in principle, but recognised that the cycle of mowing did not always reflect this, though the greens and grass were only cut monthly.


  • Neighbourhood Planning Group (TNPG): The meeting agreed to make a contribution towards a thankyou lunch for the group.


  1. Reports from Ward Representatives of Warwickshire County Council and Stratford District Council.


CLLR SECCOMBE (WCC) had sent apologies.


CLLR HARVEY (SDC) reported that there had been several changes amongst senior officers, details included within the regular parish and partner briefings.Noted parking concession proposals due to be discussed at cabinet.


Locally a site meeting was being arranged over the summer with WCC highways regarding Blackwell cross roads. The parish council was invited to identify additional areas of concern, these included rights of way, Middle Street in Armscote and Ilmington Road.


CLLR HARVEY was liaising with SDC planners regarding the Heron Way application. Noted that planners were reliant on the report from WCC ecologist in order to evaluate the application. Residents were encouraged to continue to make representations to planners


  1. Planning


The following were received: Bottom of Form



Consultation Expiry Date





Barn At Berryfields Buildings Ilmington Road Stratford Upon Avon Armscote CV37 8DH

Proposed replacement of dilapidated barn



Newbold House Church Lane Newbold-On-Stour Tredington Warwickshire CV37 8TW

Construction of a garage



Land Rear Off The Burrows Newbold-on-Stour

Change of use of land to nature reserve



One decision received since our last meeting (5th June 2023); Application Reference - 23/00849/FUL – (Old School House Tredington Shipston-on-Stour CV36 4NG)- Proposal Replacement of Stone roof Slate with Replica Stone Roof Slates – Application Withdrawn 06/06/2023.


Responses had been or would be submitted to SDC planning for all these applications (full details          https://apps.stratford.gov.uk/EPlanning/Default.aspx Bottom of Form


  1. Financial Administration
  1. AGREED to approve updated bank reconciliation for June 2023
  2. AGREED to approve the passing of accounts for payment, as per Appendix A,
  3. NOTED the balances in the PC accounts and annual returns, as per Appendix A
  1. Correspondence

The following were noted:


Tredington Grass Cutting – Various

Childcare Survey – WCC

Rural Bulletins – Rural Bulletin Network

Adoption of TPC Neighbourhood Plan - SDC

UKSPF/RDF and CIL Grant Applications Presentations -   Warwickshire Community and Voluntary Action

Communities and Partnerships Newsletters – WCC

A3400 Crossroads Hedge and Verge Cutting – CLLR THORNTON-TRINDER/WCC


Weekly Roundup – WALC

Lioncourt – Churchview Transfer Overlay Plan

WCC- Houeshold Support Fund

SDC – Workspace and Business Support Survey

Land Off Heron’s Way (Planning) – Various

Grant Contribution – Milestone Society

CIL Receipts – SDC

Play Inspection Report (Tredington) – The Play Inspection Company

Tredington Play Park – Various

Tredington Neighbourhood Plan – Various

Openreach work - Openreach


  1. Date of next meeting

The next meeting would take place at 7:30 pm on Monday 4th  September 2023 at Blackwell Village Hall.




Appendix A


Financial Administration


  1. Tredington PC cash book balances at June 28th 2023                                

                  Current Account (see attached bank reconciliation)                                      £59796.38                   Reserves (see attached bank reconciliation)                                                 £17562.78

                        Total                                                                                                   £77359.16


  1. Passing of accounts for payment this meeting:

                        I Wilson (Salary and Expenses)                                                         £ 945.51

                        Lawns2Mow (May)                                                                                         £1548.00         Guy Hawkins Farming (Digger Work)                                                            £ 105.00

                        Printed.com (TNP Plan Flyers)                                                           £    60.51

                        The Play Inspection Company                                                           £ 320.00


                        Total C/F                                                                                                        £74380.14                                                                                                                                                                              



*Includes earmarked reserves of £30k to projects including; St David’s Church Community Project, SFAG, TNPG and Traffic Calming. Also earmarked for capital projects to be agreed from s106 and CIL receipts of £25k.

**This is our contingency reserves in line with recommended practice

The meeting noted the notice of public rights, internal audit report, governance statement and annual returns for external audit (circulated separately) for submission by 1st July 2023.














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